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Jake & Niki

Asia Pacific

Their mission is to equip and prepare foreign missionaries for full time service.  Their extensive training gives them a unique ministry that's critical for world evangelism.

David & Janice Ewing

Central & South America

They have ministered across denominational and agency lines to help provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to those whom they have served. David and Janice have served in China, Romania, Thailand, Niger, South Sudan, and Guatemala.

In June of 2014 they answered the call to join the Pastoral Care staff of CTEN serving the missionaries of Guatemala , Argentina and Chile. They believe that Pastoral Care can make a difference in the length and effectiveness of ones service and emotional health to increase their ministry effectiveness and reduce missionary attrition.  Their desire is to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to the missionaries they serve by providing listening ears, encouraging words and field visits.


Keifer & Caity Lucchi

Czech Republic

Keifer and Caity are stationed in "Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic" where they live and work with their two children, Miriam and Teodor. Their primary focuses are training and developing new Christians leaders through their Czech non-profit "z Popela" and planting simple churches using a Discovery Bible Study model. They also work with youth, especially through arts and English camps, LGBTQ+ individuals, and spearhead a group which provides support to same-sex attracted Christian men, as well as providing resources and training for churches who are want to better love and reach out to LGBTQ+ individuals inside/outside the church.

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